7월 02, 2014

Dominion - 1.04 to 1.06 Press release

Dominion - 1.04 
"The Flood" Thursday, July 10, 2014
A powerful Vega senator takes the city’s leaders and food supply hostage, demanding the Chosen One’s secret identity be made public; at the same time, Michael is called to a family meeting of archangels, including Gabriel; and Claire goes against the majority.

Dominion - 1.05
"Something Borrowed" Thursday,July 17, 2014
Alex begins his training with Michael, but soon after has a vision that causes him to go rogue during an Archangel Corps mission. Elsewhere, Claire goes out on a limb to protect Riesen, however she can’t stop his long-held secrets from coming back to haunt him; and David makes a move to secure his power.

Dominion - 1.06
"Black Eyes Blue" Thursday, July 24, 2014
Alex takes on the not-so-easy task of trying to exorcise captive eight-balls of their angel possessors, and enlists Michael and Claire for help; David closes in on William’s underground acolytes; at the same time, Riesen overturns David’s plan to usurp power with a new alliance.

Source: Syfy

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